čtvrtek 3. listopadu 2022

Mezinárodní den pěstování bez rytí a okopávání 3.11.

Zahradničíte? A míváte otlačená kolena z pletí a bolavá záda z každoročního rytí záhonů? Tak věřte, že to jde i jinak...a lépe.  

O průkopníkovi této metody jsem tu již mluvila nespočetněkrát, pokud tápete, ale vládnete angličtinou, klik na obrázek a zjistíte více.

Já se nechci opakovat a tak jen přidám svůj příspěvek k novému "zahradnickému svátku". Moje zahrádka připravená na zimu a poslední úroda, než zima přijde. A níže jeden dopis do Anglie...

 Co je ještě k snědku na zahrádce: petržel, jahodový špenát, rdesno pepřinec, kadeřávek, šťovík krvavý,  estragon, nať ředkviček, mangold, jarní cibulka, majoránka, máta a listy křenu.

Smíchat tohle všechno dohromady a udělat z toho salát možná nebyl úplně nejlepší nápad, ale určitě to byla dávka vitaminů před zimou, a to se počítá.










What I do

The garden around our apartment building is managed in no dig style from the moment we moved in. Mainly it is because a) I don't have time  b) as a kid from town I never knew I was supposed to dig something. In the first year I recognised that the "soil" at the garden is just a thin layer of dirt over the construction site. So I searched how to improve it. How to improve it for free and against will of our neighbours, who would rather see the parking lot instead of the garden.  I mulch with grass clippings and sneak other biomass onto the soil since I am not allowed to have a compost. I have a small vermicomposter in the garage. I ferment the nettles and make my own bokashi to fertilize.

 We transplanted three currant trees to the garden and in between them I ocasionally interplant some leafy greens. This year I am trying to grow over the winter season - I have some kale, brussels sprouts and chard. Onions, garlic and potatoes are hidden in the soil in between them. Eventually something will grow up. I found some good looking soil where the old compost used to be and covered the bed with it, then I added the grass clippings.

New food for the garden bed

In the rest of the garden - the ornamental part - I mulch with grass regularly, leaving the weeds to cover the soil and feed the life until I can repopulate with flowers I multiply or gain seeds of. 

Radishes and rumex

During the year I rotate the seedling between the shadowy garden bed and sunny balcony. Now I have radishes and lettuce there, to consume before the winter will start. In the spring the seedlings are protected from slugs there. Then the season of strawberries and tomatoes hopefully will come...




Today's celebration

The only pumpkin from the balcony
Since the pumpkin season this year was not very succesful, I made a dish of salad from everything edible I found around...

It was: parsley, strawberry spinach, parsicaria hydropiper, kale, rubex, tarragon, red radish leaves, chard, spring onion, marjorie, mint and young horse raddish leaves.

The result was.....ful of flavours and hopefully vitamins. Looking forvard the next season to be even better.

Happy #NoDigDay to everybody!

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